
Courses I'm Scheduled to Teach

Social & Political Philosophy 

Fall 2024

This is an upper division course covering core concepts in social and political philosophy, such as rights, property, freedom, and justice. I'll be teaching this course as a "great works" course. We'll likely read Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, Locke, Hegel, and Marx; and more contemporary works by Robert Nozick, Julius Nyerere, Iris Young, and Elizabeth Anderson. 

(Introductory) Ethics

Fall 2020 & 2023

An introductory course examining various moral theories, their application to contemporary social problems, and conflict between an ethical life and meaningful life. 

Ethics and Information Technology

AY's 22-23 & 23-24

An online course about the use, misuse, and development of information technologies, with particular focus on the consequences such changes may have on the lives of individuals and on the shape of societies. (View Syllabus)

Introduction to Medical Ethics

Spring 2021

An introductory course exploring the broad nature and scope of health, including the meaning of health, disease, responsibility, informed consent, psychiatric diagnosis, neurodiversity, and death. 

Philosophy and Race

AY's 22-23, 23-24 & Summers

An online course that discusses ontological, scientific, moral, political, and cultural issues surrounding race. (View Syllabus)

Reading, Writing, and Reasoning

Summer 2021

A course that develops students' general reading and writing skills with respect to an important philosophical topic. I taught this course on Moral Character. 

Some Courses I'd Like to Teach

Social/Political Philosophy

Any courses on major social and political theories, or particular topics such as migration justice, implicit bias, war, democracy, and issues in economics

Topics in Moral Theory

Any courses examining differences between normative theories, the differences between a naturalist and non-naturalist conception of those theories, and/or major Western figures in ethics (particularly Sidgwick, Moore, Ross, Parfit, and Bernard Williams). 

Topics in Moral Psychology

Any courses examining how psychological facts ought to shape our understanding of concepts such as reason, desire, emotion, motivation, and judgement. 

Outreach and Other Stuff

I read to grade school children in Mexico City (2018)